All submitted manuscripts are evaluated by independent reviewers within the same field of expertise. The peer review process is a single blind, multi-step Editorial/Open peer review process described as follows:
- IJMGE's policy is to obtain two reviews per paper; however, papers first undergo an initial quality/relevance assessment by the editor upon receipt.
- Editor selects a topical/associate editor overseeing the appropriate technical subfield of your manuscript, who then sends your manuscript to anonymous reviewers.Reviewers are allowed time to complete their review and submit comments to the editor.
- When submitting to the IJMGE journal, you will be instructed to suggest three potential suitable reviewers.
- Editor selects reviewers who are experts in the field of your manuscript.
- Reviewers provide comments aimed to help create a better manuscript. Reviewers will recommend that:Editor makes a publication decision based on the reviews and sends out a decision letter.
- The manuscript is acceptable for publication.
- The manuscript requires further revisions.
- The manuscript is not acceptable for publication.
- The manuscript is more appropriate for another journal.
- If your manuscript needs modifications:
- You may resubmit after revisions have been made (use a response letter to explain each change, point by point).
- Editor decides whether to accept revised manuscript or refer it back to reviewers for further comment.
- Editor makes final decision.
- If your manuscript is rejected:
- Before submitting elsewhere, act on the reviewers' reports as this will lead to a better paper.
We aim to reach a final decision on publication within two to four months of submission for all articles. Accepted articles are published electronically on the journal web site as they become ready. Once published on-line, articles are then be selected for a subsequent print issue.