International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering (IJMGE) aims to promote the theory and practice of mining methods and highlights the geo-engineering and mining related environmental problems.
The main aspects of research areas include:
- Mineral exploration (geophysics, geochemistry, GIS and remote-sensing, economic geology, geotechnics)
- Mine exploitation (mining methods, blasting, transportation, ventilation, mine design and planning, rock mechanics, tunneling)
- Mineral processing and comminution
- Environment (Environmental pollution control and remediation technology, transport and fate of pollutants in the environment, environmental problems associated with mining and mineral processing activities, tailings and waste dumps management, reclamation, biotechnology)
- Hydrogeology (hydrogeology of surface and underground mining, mine water, dewatering and rebound)
- Petroleum exploration, petrophysics, well logging, drilling and reservoirs geomechanics
- Geothermal resources