The Innovative Application of Gravity Data Inversion and Geophysical Edge-Detection for Celestine Exploration: A Case Study at the Siraf Mine, Semnan Province, Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Faculty of Mining Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

3 School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



This study represents a pioneering application of gravimetric methods for the exploration of celestine mineralization. Through the inversion of gravity data, we identified areas with significant density variations indicative of potential mineral deposits, particularly those with high celestine content. Utilizing depth estimation techniques such, as Euler deconvolution and MNTHD and MNTDR filters, we accurately delineated the boundaries and depths of anomalies, generally within 5 meters of the surface, with specific validation in celestine-rich regions. The three-dimensional model derived from data inversion indicates that large-scale mineralization is improbable. However, with a density cutoff of 1 g/cm³, the potential for several small veins is apparent. Due to the inherent non-uniqueness and ambiguity in geophysical modelling, the precise assessments of reserves and ore grades will require systematic exploratory drilling. The gravity prospect maps and three-dimensional density model have partially detected the anomalies with practical constraints, such as challenging topography and disturbed geological conditions impacting further measurements. To advance exploration, we recommend specific drilling coordinates and additional geophysical surveys with a 5-meter grid spacing, contingent on favourable initial drilling results. This study underscores the effectiveness of gravimetric methods in identifying celestine mineralization and suggests that these techniques may enhance exploration strategies and methodologies.


Main Subjects

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