The flotation of apatite and calcite using different reagents: A comparative study

Document Type : Research Paper


School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Apatite is the most important phosphate mineral and flotation serves as the primary method for separating it from its predominant gangue mineral, calcite (CaCO3). In this study, the direct flotation of pure samples of apatite and calcite was studied using a micro flotation system. Fatty acid collectors were confirmed to be highly effective for the flotation of apatite and calcite minerals. The collectors Aero 825, Oleic acid, Potassium amyl xanthate (Z6), FS-2, Armac C, Hexa Decyl Amine, Sodium oleate, Corn oil, Armofelote 18, Dirol, Alke, and Atrac 1580 were applied in the experiments. Aero 825 at a concentration of 100 g/t for calcite and the Atrac at a concentration of 400 g/t for apatite provided the most optimal flotation conditions. Recoveries of calcite and apatite were 93% and 83%, respectively. After achieving the maximum recovery for each mineral, the depression capabilities of various depressants‌ on both minerals were separately examined. Sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), Sodium silicate, Iron (II) sulfate, Sodium carbonate, Calcium chloride 2-hydrate, Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Aluminum sulfate 18-hydrate, Phosphoric acid, Sulfuric acid, Oxalic acid dihydrate, Tartaric acid, Lactic acid, Starch, Dextrin, Hydrochloric acid, and Sodium hydroxide were applied as depressants. SHMP for calcite and both Lactic acid and Oxalic acid dihydrate for apatite provided the best depression conditions. The recoveries of calcite and apatite were reduced to 10% and 25%, respectively. Calcite flotation kinetics is followed by the first-order kinetics model and apatite flotation kinetics is followed by the first-order with rectangular distribution and the second-order with rectangular distribution kinetics models.


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